
All information pertaining the BIONUMERICS database. This includes import of descriptive information about strains, accession or biological samples (commonly referred to as entries in BIONUMERICS), modifications to the database layout and setup, entry selections, user management, etc.

Dendrogram export options

In this tutorial, the export options of a dendrogram, displayed in the Dendrogram panel of the Comparison window is covered. This tutorial is a general tutorial, applicable to any dendrogram created in the Comparison window based on any of the available data types in BIONUMERICS.

Partition mapping

When a set of organisms is classified by more than one system, the question arises as to how the classification systems relate to each other. This is what the partition mapping tool is designed for in BIONUMERICS: to compare the outcome of two classification systems and to predict the classification of one technique based upon the results from another technique. In this tutorial some of the features of this partition mapping tool are illustrated using a sample data set.

Building automated decision and action workflows

Decision networks in BIONUMERICS should be seen as a construction kit that allows you to build your own automated decision or action work flows, with practically endless possibilities. They can be used to make decisions, predict features, perform queries, fill in fields, create graphs and plots, and much more. In this tutorial you will learn how to create these work flows in a BIONUMERICS database.

Adding entry information

This tutorial illustrates how you can add sample or strain information to your BIONUMERICS database. Adding this information can be done either manually via the keyboard, or with the import routines available in the software. The BIONUMERICS import tools allow information to be imported from external files such as text and Excel files.

Dendrogram export options

In this tutorial, the export options of a dendrogram, displayed in the Dendrogram panel of the Comparison window is covered. This tutorial is a general tutorial, applicable to any dendrogram created in the Comparison window based on any of the available data types in BioNumerics.