Fix for error 'Could not parse the metadata' downloading reads from ENA

When I submit a job on my local machine with a read linked to ENA, I get an error in the job overview window: Data manager error. 'Error:Could not parse the metadata'. How do I fix this?

ENA has made a recent change to the structure of the metadata returned from a request on their portal. BIONUMERICS uses this metadata to determine the availability and location of the reads and as a result of this change can no longer parse this metadata correctly nor retrieve the correct link to download the reads.

As a workaround, the reads can simply be re-imported linking to NCBI instead of ENA and the job can be resubmitted.

If it is required to maintain the link to ENA, this issue can also be fixed by updating the ENA downloader. This does require admin privileges as this file is located in Program Files.

Proceed as follows to update the downloader:

  1. Download the file and unzip it on your local hard drive. The unzipped folder should contain the file ENA.exe.
  2. Locate the current ENA.exe in the installation folder of BIONUMERICS. The default location is "C:\Program Files\Applied Maths\BIONUMERICS\Engine\bin", but the start of this path can be different if the default installation folder was not used. In case of doubt, you can check the properties of the shortcut you use to start BIONUMERICS.
  3. Replace the current ENA.exe with the downloaded file.
  4. If applicable, close and re-open your database.

The above procedure will need to be applied to all installations of BIONUMERICS.

Please note that this article only applies to jobs submitted locally. For jobs submitted to the BIONUMERICSS-CE, we have performed the update of this functionality and this error is therefore no longer expected. Should you receive this error for jobs submitted to the CE, please contact us for investigation.

Applicable for: 
Version 8.0 - 8.1